Peace Will Guard The Nation

Verse 1 --------------------------------------------------------

Peace will guard the nation, who’s God is the Lord

It will grace everything they put their hand to do

And the light God will point the way

for those who seek righteousness

and nothing will be impossible to them.

Chorus ---------------------------------------------

If it was true “God had His favorites”

It would be those that seek his face

But we all could be his favorites

‘cause there is plenty of His grace

If you want to be a child

who the Father would be proud of

You must do the things that touch His heart

You must mend together not break apart

With His love.

Verse 2 --------------------------------------------------------

If you’re one of the millions, who long for the perfect race

Where pain and poverty would be erased

The answers wouldn’t be found in man

His heart’s an open grave.

Jesus is the one with the words of life

We should follow the example He gave.

~Calvin Bergsma